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How to Invest $1,000 in 2023 | How to Invest and Make a Difference

"Invest your hard-earned money into ETF's, Index Funds, or even something like Treasury Bills." Blah, Blah, Blah, - That’s Crap.

So you have around $1,000 in your bank account and are wondering how you can use this money to have an impact on your life. The typical “best ways to invest your money” article is going to tell you: You should be investing your hard-earned money into the Stock Market, Money Market Funds, or even something like Treasury Bills.

Blah, Blah, Blah, - That’s Crap. That’s the LAST way you should invest your $1,000.


$1,000 isn’t enough money to where it will have an impact in the sense of traditional investing. Let’s use the Rule of 72 to prove it. The Rule of 72 is a formula that’s used to estimate the number of years required to double invested money at a given annual rate of return.

6.06 Years… 6.06 years to turn your $1,000 into $2,000 given the average annual return in the S&P 500.

Are you really going to wait over 6 years to turn your $1,000 into $2,000? Not me.

So, how should you be investing your $1,000?

Invest in High-Income Skills.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “What the heck? Skills don’t appreciate in value like stocks do!” And to that, I say, “Pfft, who needs appreciation in stocks when you can just appreciate yourself into a bad*ss with a new skill?”

That was kind of a joke, but also very true. Learning a high-income skill is the BEST way to invest your money. Think about it for a second. You learn a new skill; this new skill is now an asset. You can use this skill to create a side hustle or even use this new skill to create a business.

10 Worthwhile High-Income Skills

  • Software Development/Coding

  • Accounting

  • Video Editing

  • Sales

  • Copywriting

  • Graphic Design

  • Lead Generation

  • Content Creation

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Financial Analysis

I can go on and on, but the key is: Pick an expensive service, then learn how to be the person that fulfills that service for people.

How to Learn High-Income Skills

  • Buy a course (please research it first)

  • Find a mentor

  • Websites like Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, or Coursera

  • Youtube

Bottom Line

If you are anywhere in the range of $0 to $10,000, you should invest in learning skills rather than investing in your standard financial products. Spending $1,000 to learn a new skill will take you way further than you think. Investing in skills is the ultimate way to maximize your personal growth.

It’s a phrase as old as time: Bet on Yourself.

Already investing into learnings skills? Have extra money lying around? Want to get into the stock market? Black Swan Street is the place for you. We make investing in the stock market as easy as tying your shoes.

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